
Greece welcomed us with a warm and sunny weather. Our first stop was a small hidden beach recommended by Olaf and Daniel. It was amazing – just us two, clear blue water and sun, you can see yourself from the photos. Although it was already December, for us northern countries people, it was warm enough for bikinis and swim.

In Patras we met with Olaf, Daniel, Ethe and Bella. All together we drove out of the city to a coast, did a bonfire and celebrated 1st of Advent.

Afterwards we spent 5 days in Athens, did a free walking tour, visited Acropolis, met with Sofie (an Austrian girl who I met in Durres while Ragle was on a girls trip in Vienna) and Theano (she did part of her PhD at the same research center in Germany as Ragle).

On our way from Athens to Thessaloniki we spent some hours enjoying the hot springs, super smelly but wonderful experience 😊

Very close to Thessaloniki is a dog shelter called Hopeland. This was our third workaway on this trip, you will find out about it in our next blogpost.

Between the long days working in a dog shelter, we still managed to visit Thessaloniki few times and meet with Sarah, Markus, Elsa and Daniel.

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