After a rainy month in Estonia we finally finished all the important things in the Bulli to get started. It was difficult to work on the van since it was raining all the time. There is no bad weather, only bad clothes … yeah but that does not keep your motivation up all the time ;D.
The most difficult part of starting an adventure is to say goodbye to many beloved family members and good friends. Especially since there is „Wolf“ – three months old, super cute and growing faster then bambus Husky puppy. When we return after one year he will be all grown up – will he remember us?

We want to thank all our family, friends and colleagues again for all the help, support, presents, good words and motivation! We are excited about the trip but also excited to be back and see you all again <3
Our first destination from Haapsalu was a beautiful old farmhouse where our friends Ann and Daniel are living. We had a BBQ, sauna, boardgames and a lot of laughter.
Another highlight there was a massive swing! Extreme swinging like that was actually invented in Estonia and is called „Kiiking“. –> <–

Next day after the breakfast and taking our time, we started driving towards Latvia. See you in the next post.