Ragles b-day

On Sunday evening we arrived in Austria. The first thing we filled our road shower with the clear water from a mountain river nearby the road. Unfortunately, it was rather difficult to find a hidden spot for the night and therefore we had to go to a camping place. Since it was still on season the prices are very high and you end up paying more for camping place than for a hotel room. The camping place was located at the mountain lake and the view was amazing. We made a dinner and went to bed early in order to get a good sleep before our next hike tour.

On the next morning I stood up a bit earlier and started to bake pancakes for Ragles birthday 😊 I bought all the necessary ingredients so that she had no idea. The sun was already shining and it was going to be the day with the best weather of the week. We had a delicious breakfast with the beautiful view, the best way to start the day.

For this hike we choose the Vilsalpsee Loop, it is 17 km long and with elevation gain of 1000 m. Backbags stuffed with snacks and drinks we started early in the morning in order to be back before it gets dark. We scaled up quite a lot at the beginning of the tour and therefore during the whole hike there were amazing views everywhere we looked.

At some point we passed a couple on our way, then they passed us and when we passed them the second time we started chatting. I must mention here that we always have quite a fast pace and pass all the people on our way. This couple was in their 60s and the walked with the same pace as we. It turned out that the guy was the first men to go on top of the Zugspitze (2962 m) in Germany with the bicycle and he was also many times on top of Kilimanjaro, well this explained it all. We went with them on top of the highest point of the tour (2069 m). It is hard to describe the view and unfortunately also the photos can’t forward the amazing scene – one can see three mountain lakes each on different altitude. We said goodbye to our travel companions as they headed to the Landsberger Hütte for lunch. Ragle and I sat down to enjoy the view and our well-deserved snacks and drinks. Everything was just perfect – the weather, the view, company, food&drinks!

Although we were on the highest point of the tour, it was just a beginning and we still had most of the hike before us. After walking for an hour we coincidentally met the same couple again and they invited us for a cake and coffee to celebrate Ragles birthday. We ended up finishing the whole tour with them, we talked about everything and the time just flew.

This time we didn’t rent a room but since the weather was nice the whole day the water in our road shower was warm and we had a good shower out in the nature 😊

The evening was as usual – with good home cooked meal and some episodes of “Friends”.

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